Useful Resources

Get Started with Art and Mindfulness

Would you like to try colouring books to reduce stress?  Here are a few resource suggestions to get your started.


Morcoo 24 colours Adult Colouring Pencils for Drawing Colouring books




Staedtler 144 C24JB Noris Club Colouring Pencils




Staedtler 157 SB24 Ergosoft Triangular Colouring Pencils – Assorted Colours





Adult Coloring Book : Stress Relieving Designs Animals, Mandalas, Flowers, Paisley Patterns

Release Your Anger: Midnight Edition: An Adult Coloring Book with 40 Swear Words to Color and Relax

Set of 2 Anti-Stress Adult Relaxing Art Therapy Colouring and Craft Books

Mandala Wonders – Color Art for Everyone

The Inspirational Colouring Book

Meditation/Mindfulness Apps

Calm – Meditation Techniques

I have this app on my phone and has a selection of free or paid meditation options.

Head Space

Headspace is meditation made simple. They’ll teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day.